Post by speedbump on Jun 18, 2008 20:10:19 GMT -5
Personally I hate him, but I'd like to know other GRD listener's thoughts.
Post by silvermelinda on Jun 18, 2008 20:18:10 GMT -5
Way too conservative for GRD. While I'm all for everyone having their own opinions and freedom of speech, the things he rants about are just so far off and without anything to back them up. It's gotten to the point where I just turn off the radio when he starts talking.
Post by speedbump on Jun 18, 2008 20:21:09 GMT -5
Same with me, I still listen during his "on air" period, but whenever he comes on I switch it off to something else. I can listen to him about 5 seconds longer than Jed the Fish or whoever they have doing Sunday evenings. That guys a fag, although I'm pretty sure GRD replays him and he broadcasts from somewhere else, so assassinating him would be more difficult.
Post by dudeshadoway on Jun 18, 2008 20:59:24 GMT -5
I like him, though I don't get to hear him too often. I usually agree with his rants though, and I think they're pretty funny.
Post by beowulf on Jun 18, 2008 21:03:25 GMT -5
i think he is the best. i have to listen to liberals at work rant and make arguments with no basis so it is nice to hear a conservative rant and make arguments without a basis (i agree with his rants too)
Post by zanesmoped on Jun 18, 2008 21:29:28 GMT -5
I turn the channel when he starts talking, I want music, not damn talking! couldn't they just go auto after the FB&HW show? Shut it SPUD!
Bob and Tom's fake laughing
Posts: 34
Post by sweetmom on Jun 18, 2008 21:50:36 GMT -5
I like SPUD, but his rants can be a bit overboard.
Post by potthole on Jun 18, 2008 21:52:44 GMT -5
I like him. Sure, his views are a little more extreme than mine, usually, but I find it refreshing nonetheless. All day long at work I hear people rip on anything that is consertive in nature in the slightest way, so Spud's rants allow for a little bit of a vent period for me.
Bob and Tom's fake laughing
Bob and Tom eat fetch
Posts: 34
Post by ibangzaneswife on Jun 19, 2008 6:15:18 GMT -5
I think he is ok but he leans WAY to the right. I am not a fan of Being hardcore dem or rep.
Post by kaboobie92 on Jun 19, 2008 8:14:13 GMT -5
spud is awesome, hes not afraid to say anything and 99% of the time i agree with him
Post by wienerpoopie on Jun 19, 2008 8:56:48 GMT -5
i hate him
Post by neckqueef on Jun 19, 2008 9:21:25 GMT -5
Don't get to hear him too much, but I think that he biases the calls he takes to people who agree with him, or people who he thinks he can kill in a debate. So much of what he says is pure bullshit. I like some of it, but a lot just makes me shake my head.
Post by mingercarnie on Jun 19, 2008 10:54:45 GMT -5
I hate him. His rants are ridiculous and extreme and way too conservative. If i wanted to hear that bullshit i would listen to Limbaugh or O'Reilly, not GRD.
Bob and Tom's fake laughing
Bob and Tom eat fetch
Posts: 34
Post by ibangzaneswife on Jun 19, 2008 11:41:24 GMT -5
I hate him. His rants are ridiculous and extreme and way too conservative. If i wanted to hear that bullshit i would listen to Limbaugh or O'Reilly, not GRD. yup that is why the guys called him "little hanity"
Post by Kate on Jun 19, 2008 14:05:49 GMT -5
I really hate him. He is such a Bush lover. And I listen to WGRD for the MUSIC, not him hating anyone who doesn't like George Bush. I get so mad when I hear him on the radio...
Post by Derek on Jun 19, 2008 14:19:07 GMT -5
spud is awesome, hes not afraid to say anything Yes, he isn't afraid to say anything. But his bias is just so damn obvious
Post by wienerpoopie on Jun 19, 2008 14:22:08 GMT -5
he thinks bush is the best president to take office
Post by mermantiger on Jun 19, 2008 18:56:32 GMT -5
I don't like him. He's an extremist, and just as bad as all of those crazy hippies he talks about.
Post by sinisterminister on Jun 19, 2008 20:01:08 GMT -5
he represents the magic of the radio...if something offends you, just turn in off.
that being said, yeah, he's a douche. lame shock-jock.
Post by toofolkgr on Jun 20, 2008 10:56:02 GMT -5
I have to turn the radio off for 30 seconds even when his commercials even come on
Bob and Tom's fake laughing
I am serious...and don't call me Shirley
Posts: 36
Post by bluehawaiisurfer on Jun 21, 2008 0:06:55 GMT -5
he represents the magic of the radio...if something offends you, just turn in off. that being said, yeah, he's a douche. lame shock-jock. Yep and he's one of the reasons I do. Hopefully my vote will count one day. Nothing against the guy, he is just very boring. That and the crappy music the station plays. Here is a hint, "I heard enough Pearl Jam and Nirvanna over 10 years ago! Enough of that shit already!!! Isn't that stuff considered classic rock yet?!?!?!?!?
Post by Dick Burns on Jun 21, 2008 13:27:57 GMT -5
I tend to agree with alot of what he says. However, he is the biggest...douche...ever.
He feels he has to be so EXTREME all the time. I agree with toofolkgr, I can't even stand to listen to his promos.
Post by FUCKTARD ! on Aug 6, 2008 7:34:36 GMT -5
I might actually listen more, it he talked more and played less music.
Post by semisleeper on Aug 19, 2008 12:42:52 GMT -5
When did WGRD become a political station?
I would be more entertained if Spud had a co-host, who was just as far left as Spud is right.
Post by landmammaldolphin on Aug 25, 2008 10:25:06 GMT -5
You can tell that all he does is watch Hannity and then listens to Limbaugh and then regurgitates the same boring crap. Of course he thinks so highly of himself and is so poor at debating that he won't let anyone with an opposing viewpoint say more than 2 words before he gets all bent out of shape and yells and screams. Of course the way I look at it, he who loses his cool first, loses in the end, so Spud always loses! He is a wannabe who has nothing but the same boring talking points from Faux News to rant on about. He's also wrong on most of his topics but the people in GR that are Republicans because their daddy told them to be, listen and agree with his inferior thinking because just like Spud they will believe anything that Faux News, Limbaugh or Hannity tell them to believe without researching it a little bit first. Spud needs to STFU and play some friggin' music for a change!
Post by Kate on Aug 25, 2008 21:20:58 GMT -5
You know whats WORSE than right-wingers? Micheal Moore. I hate that guy. I cannot stand him. My boyfriend loves him and I get so pissed every time he preaches about him I want to punch walls. Anyway....
Post by Howie Feltersnatch on Aug 26, 2008 7:27:02 GMT -5
You know whats WORSE than right-wingers? Micheal Moore. I hate that guy. I cannot stand him. My boyfriend loves him and I get so pissed every time he preaches about him I want to punch walls. Anyway.... agreed....the part in Team America where Moore explodes....makes my heart feel warm and fuzzy
Post by airhornahole on Aug 26, 2008 7:28:06 GMT -5
You know whats WORSE than right-wingers? Micheal Moore. I hate that guy. I cannot stand him. My boyfriend loves him and I get so pissed every time he preaches about him I want to punch walls. Anyway.... walls or balls?
Post by wienerpoopie on Aug 26, 2008 7:29:38 GMT -5
Moore makes the world a better place…keeps republicans in check…
Post by The Biff Lebowski on Aug 26, 2008 7:33:32 GMT -5
Moore makes the world a better place…keeps republicans in check… Do you really believe that? Because in my dealings with political discussion people who are reasonable on both sides of the aisle get that Moore really stretches the truth to make a point. I moderate another forum where the political debate is hard core and, with the exception of the extremely radical thinkers, all acknowledge that Moore isn't a credible source. I'm not defending Spud here but I'm saying that if you want to be taken seriously you probably shouldn't say things like the quoted text above. It's the equivalent of someone on the right saying that Sean Hannity is a beacon for the right leaners.